 About this website ...

With the click of a mouse, The Gift List Company offers a unique concept - to enable you to set up a gift list that does not restrict you to one retailer, as with most wedding lists! Here you will be able to create a gift list that you want, listing items from any shop, anywhere.

From this, your friends and family can look at your list and select items they wish to buy for you. The list will then be updated so that these items are no longer viewable to anyone else - hence no more duplicated presents!!

Wedding Lists...
If you are creating a wedding list, you have the option of creating a web-page that can show information about your wedding. For example, the date, time and direction to the church and reception venue.

Gift Givers Report...
After your event you can print out a report listing all of the people that have bought from your lists. This can then be used to write thank you notes.

Not just for gifts...
You can use your list for anything you want. For example, weddings, birthdays, Christmas', anniversaries, christenings. BUT you do not have to use your list just for presents. You could create a list of food for a party, so that guests could choose which food they would bring.

As many lists as you want...
Once you have registered you can create as many lists as you would like. To register click members. Once the list is created you can view and amend the list as often as you like. You can create and delete lists and add, change or delete as many items on a list as you want.

For people that have not got access to the Internet...
When setting up your list you can nominate a person as a point of contact if people need help with selecting items on your list. This can be a friend, family or partner.
If a person wanting to buy a gift from the list does not have access to the internet, there is a facility to print out your list. This can then be posted to the person and they can ask your list contact to update your list with their selected item.

To see an example of a gift list and its features click here.


Andrew Beard & Nicola Beard

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© 2003 The Gift List Company